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Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby's First Blog

Here it is: my blog. For weeks I've been toying around with the idea of creating one, and finally with the new year approaching I finally said... what the hell. So here I am! Eventually, this will morph into a travel blog to document my time in Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy. But for now, this is simply a place for me to write, create, think and play.

To help you get to know a little more about me, I'm going to enlist in the 30 Day Photo Challenge. Doing so makes me feel a little bit like I'm going back to my Xanga days (ohh middle school), but I'm pretty sure it'll get me in the habit of blogging daily and will force me to take pictures of my daily life. Double whammy.

Photo Challenge: Day 1
A picture of yourself with fifteen facts
Me and my precious little monster, Callie
  1. I love to travel. If I could, I'd spend two months out of every year roaming aimlessly around Europe.
  2. My favorite food is the carb. I love pasta, bread, cheese and pretty much everything that will clog my arteries.
  3. I spend all my money at Hobby Lobby. I blame the addiction on my mother and my best friend, Kendall.
  4. I am obsessed with lace.
  5. When I grow up, I want to be a mom.
  6. Pinterest has become my best friend this semester. Follow me!
  7. I have the worst memory of anyone I know.  It's embarrassing.
  8. I am going to Italy in two months and all I know is ciao. Thaaat should get me far...
  9. Gilmore Girls is my favorite TV show of all time. Don't judge.
  10. I usually drink unsweet iced tea, but Chick-Fil-A's sweet tea is my vice.
  11. Lady GaGa drives me insane. Not a fan.
  12. I could go weeks without watching TV and be completely fine, but a day without the internet makes me want to cry.
  13. My favorite website is Postsecret.
  14. I love dry erase boards and chalk gives me the heebie jeebies.
  15. When I was a kid I used to hate my middle name, but now it's one of my favorite things about myself.
That's all for tonight! I'll catch you on the flip side. Happy New Year and hope all is well and wonderful in your life!

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